A personal injury claim can add a lot of strain to your life as it’s a very difficult time. When there is uncertainty and stress around your situation, you need ample support and guidance from your solicitor. They should be there to help make your life easier and give you clarity on the plan and legal action being taken. 

However, this is not always the case. If you feel like you aren’t being adequately supported in your personal injury claim then you may be able to change solicitors and find a better representation. 


What does inadequate support look like?


If you’re concerned about the level of support you’re receiving, take a look at the following checklist to see if your solicitors hit the criteria: 

  • You have delays in communication and are frequently left for long periods of time with no follow-up
  • The level of support and communication you receive from your solicitors is too low or not translated in a way that’s understandable to you
  • You are unsure if you are getting the correct advice and all the requirements of your case are being considered
  • The expected settlement will not be sufficient to cover your needs and long term care costs
  • Your current solicitors are unable to represent you anymore due to closure of firm or services or any other reason


How Beeston Shenton can help


Our Personal Injury team is experienced in providing exceptional care and service to clients and ensuring they get the best settlements to cover their care needs. We are able to provide support in giving you a realistic outlook on what is achievable within your case and the level of compensation that we hope to achieve for you. 

All of our cases are ‘no win no fee’ so, it is within our best interests to get you the compensation you rightfully deserve too – with no risk from you. We’ll happily travel to your home for an initial consultation to see if we can help you. 


Contact Us


If you’d like to talk to one of our experts about an ongoing claim, or to discuss the options of making a personal injury claim, get in touch. Call us on 01782 662424 or email us at info@beestonshenton.co.uk