We all face conflict at some point in our lives, in the workplace or at home, and most of the time it’s inevitable. But it’s important to resolve it in the most amicable way, ensuring that both parties can express their feelings openly and air any questions they have. 

Often conflict is mismanaged causing a bigger obstacle than the first initial problem.  But how can you resolve conflict? Here are 3 conflict resolution activities to solve disputes…

Understanding The Conflict…

The very first conflict resolution activity that you can do is to actually understand what is causing the clash. Why is it that you are having problems with the other party? Ask yourself: is there an easier way to resolve the difficulties aside from going down more formal routes?

Have a think about what your concerns, hopes and fears are, and how they can help you reach an agreement. You then need to equally think about what your opposition needs, wants and expects. This is one of the first conflict resolution steps that will ensure that you are fairly negotiating and thinking about the other party as equally as your own needs. This can help you get a real understanding of why there is conflict and how you can resolve it. 

Three Main Conflict Resolution Activities…

There are currently three main methods that can advance a conflict case and help to resolve it quickly. This includes:

  • Mediation – A neutral third party helps resolves disputes amicably, effectively reaching an agreement. 
  • Arbitration – This method again uses a neutral third party but instead they act as a judge. Both parties present evidence and the judge then makes a decision, this cannot be appealed. 
  • Litigation – The most formal method which is seen as a last resort. This stays on the public record and a judge or jury will determine the decision. In this case, you will most likely need a solicitor. 

Think About The Options You Have…

What are the options you currently have? An important question to consider. Begin brainstorming various ideas and all in all create some boundaries and ground rules that will help make a compromise between you and the other party. 

Think about our first conflict resolution activity in understanding the conflict. Bring together what you want and what they want and brainstorm a reasonable compromise. Face the problem and stop avoiding it. You need to decide what will work for you and what may not. That way you can determine what is best to do going forward. 

Conflict Resolution Activities…

Life can be difficult sometimes, especially if you are struggling to resolve conflict and you’ve tried the easier conflict resolution activities. There are helpful conflict resolution resources online that include much more information including other strategies, techniques and worksheets. But if you are wondering how to resolve conflict or what conflict management skills may be needed in the workplace, get in touch with our team today. We can help you resolve any problems you have and support you from start to finish.