Dog bites are serious and can cause awful injuries, especially if left untreated! Not only can they cause physical scarring, but also mental anguish too. Many people can become traumatised after being bitten by a dog and are affected both physically and mentally.

So to answer the question: no matter where the dog attack happened, whether on public or private property if you were not at fault you should be able to make a claim. However, it could take up to three years for the claim to come through. Below are the most important factors you should consider.


Dangerous dog breeds that are banned in the UK 


Currently, the following dogs are banned for being considered dangerous: 

  • Pitbull terriers
  • Japanese Tosa 
  • Dogo Argentino 
  • Filo Brasileiro 


However, it’s important to state that dog bites can be from any breed. The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 makes it illegal for dog owners to allow any dog to be out of control.


Dog owners should take note of the following precautions to ensure their dog does not cause harm to others:

  • Dogs are trained and well behaved
  • Dogs are muzzled if needed 
  • Dogs are kept on a leash, at a safe distance from others 
  • Keeping poorly trained dogs in a separate room, crate, or on a lead when you have visitors, delivery, post people or any maintenance workers 


Guard dogs 


Guard dogs are used to protect property, protect what things are on the property and the people on the property. If you are bitten by a guard dog and it wasn’t your fault, then the owner may be liable to pay compensation for your injuries. However, it is important to note that dogs only fall under this category when they are on duty on the premises it is guarding. 


Stray dogs 


If the owner of the dog cannot be identified you may be able to claim compensation from those who own or are in charge of the area: eg, a business park or estate. Furthermore, a dog bite from a stray could be classed as a criminal injury so you may be able to claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).


What to do if I’ve been bitten by a dog 


At the scene, it is important to note the owner’s details, the dog’s name, and breed as well as details of the dog’s vet.

Then get your wound checked by a medical professional. This is important for two reasons: so you can get any treatment needed and also that you have a medical record of the injuries. 


Evidence needed to make a claim


  • Photograph after the incident – as soon as possible
  • Photos during stages of recovery 
  • Clothing that was worn at the time of the attack – unwashed 
  • Note down how the attack happened – provide a detailed written account 
  • Any details of witnesses and their written accounts of the incident 
  • Medical records in relation to the dog attack 


What you can claim for 


You can claim for both physical injury and the physiological impact of the incident. 


Physical injury includes: 

  • damage to skin, nerves, tissue, and even bone
  • sometimes bites can get infected, which could (in extreme cases) lead to amputation


Physiological impact includes: 

  • time off work 
  • loss of earnings
  • stress and trauma 


For more information on dog bites and if you’re eligible to make a claim, please get in touch with our Personal Injury team or email us at