Attention all Residential Landlords: the passing of legislation on the 26 March 2015 will affect you if you have not made the necessary changes already. All residential landlords now must ensure that any deposits they are holding are protected and that the prescribed information is issued by the 23 June 2015. It will not be possible to issue s21 notices if deposits are not protected after this date and financial penalties may apply.

Landlords with ongoing possession claims or who have issued s21 notices before 26 March 2015 therefore should seek advice as to whether their position has now changed due to this law change. It is also important not to ignore any complaints of disrepair made by tenants even if they appear trivial or spurious, as landlords are legally obliged to provide adequate responses within 14 days. Failure to do so may cause problems when seeking possession of the property.

Beeston Shenton Solicitors provide straightforward affordable advice to landlords on arrears, possession and problems with tenants. To speak to one of our team members about these legislation changes and how they may affect you, call us today on 01565 754 444 to arrange a consultation.